Other Stories in This Issue
- Captains Table
- News:Rates Increase for Next Year 3.2%; Warning of Presence of Cyanobacteria Algal Mats in Wairau River; Stay out of Waitohi Stream until Water Clears; More Restrictions Likely Soon
- Spot the Knot
- Seaport classifieds
- Saturday Speaker
Underwater Rubbish Clean Up: Double Cove
- Cruise Ship Schedule
- Tide Tables
Introducing Port Aquaculture Limited
- World Wildlife Day
- Kaipupu News - Volunteer Profile: Stephen Hildreth
'Mr T' Out of Rehab
Drilling Back in Time in Pelorus Sound
- Whale Stranding
- Seaport Happenings
- Seaport Sessions
- Seen on the Scene: QCYC's Big Weekend!
- Reflections from Picton Museum: Museum News
- Library Lines - Reading Suggestions
- Increased Skills for Industry
- Edwin Fox Celebrates
- Women's Institute Fun
- Update on Steel Framing
- F.I.T Finals Day
- QCC Swimming Champs
- Ballet Begins!
- Picton Kindergarten Triathlon
QCC Mixed Touch Team Takes Two Titles
- Scoop Sports
- The Mainsheet - Cruising with the Waikawa Boating Club
- Summer Concert Series on the Foreshore!
Get your copy of the Seaport Scene at one of the following outlets:
Picton: The Seaport Scene Office, Picton Fresh Choice, Healthcare Pharmacy, Take Note, Picton Library, On The Spot, Picton Four Square, Le Café, The Irish Bar and Pizzeria