Other Stories in This Issue
- Captains Table
- News: Local T-shirt design inspired by whale cause, Lucky Escape for Edwina, Armistice Day Service in Seymour Square
- Saturday Speaker
- Spot the Knot
- Pavilion Programme
- ‘Whales’ Takes to the Streets of Picton
- Cruise Ship Schedule
- Tide Tables
- Edwin Fox Tea Party
- The Amazing Eco Race is Almost Here!
- Funding Available to Enhance Access to the Outdoors
- Kaipupu News: Overview of the Kaipupu Point Sounds Wildlife Sanctuary Pest Team
- Stand up Comedians Stalked
- Multiple Birth Awareness Week 2014
- Seaport Happenings
- Seaport Sessions
- Seen on the Scene: Halloween Scene, Glamorous Gold Star Evening
- Reflections from Picton Museum: A New Display
- Universal Penny
- Library Lines
- Picton Courses are Popular
- Backstage Blurb
- Mikey's Fundrasing Weekend
- Stop Means Stop!
- Trustpower Marlborough Community Awards
- Clear Sailing for Opening
- Waikawa Boating Club Beach Clean Up Day
- the Mainsheet: Midnight
- Marlborough Roll of Honour Awards
- Wayne Wytenburg
Get your copy of the Seaport Scene at one of the following outlets:
Picton: The Seaport Scene Office, Picton Fresh Choice, Healthcare Pharmacy, Take Note, Picton Library, On The Spot, Picton Four Square, Le Café, The Irish Bar and Pizzeria