What Will the Picton Foreshore Look Like? Have Your Say!
The creation of a management plan for this area has come as a response to requests for an overall vision to guide development and management of the foreshore reserve area. The reserve management plan process under the Reserves Act 1977 ensures that public consultation is undertaken in all parts of the process. Submissions close on 15 November 2013. Head along to the workshops on 21 and 29 October, 10am and 2pm respectivley. Find the draft document online at marlborough.govt.nz.
So if you don’t speak now, don’t complain in the future. Have your say!
Other Stories in This Issue
- Captains Table
- News: Mayoral Earthquake Fund update, Slip Threatened Picton Houses, Yachtsman Dies After Falling Overboard, Karaka Point Residents’ Judicial Review.
- Spot the Knot
- Election Stats
- Saturday Speaker
- Burnsco Official Opening
- Cruise Ship Schedule
- Tide Tables
- New Link Span for Picton Ferries
- SWAT Gets Pests
- Batty Evening at Kaipupu Sanctuary Information Site
- Sirocco is Welcomed Home
- CCT Presents Plaque
- Two Dance Classes Now at the New Pavilion
- $2843 Raised for Prostate Cancer
- Seaport Happenings
- Seaport Sessions
- Seen on the Scene: Spring Market
- Reflections from Picton Museum: Whaling Wing Extension
- Support Jonathan Wright on his Walk!
- Edwin Fox Needs You!
- Library Lines
- Backstage Blurb
- Plunket Piece
- Marion's Ginger Gems
- Protection of Important Marine Area Crucial
- Colin's Column - Trades Training Gets a Boost
- Linkwater Fine Art Auction and Fun-day
- Picton School Hangi
- Crime Hits 17 Year Low
- QCYC Opening day
- Waitohi JAB on Camp
- Train Shed Renovations on Track
Get your copy of the Seaport Scene at one of the following outlets:
Picton: The Seaport Scene Office, FreshChoice, Take Note, Healthcare Pharmacy, Picton Library, On The Spot, Challenge Service Station, Picton Four Square, Le Cafe.
Blenheim: Perry's Book Shop