While spirits can sometimes seem a little low in our town, with a lot of indecision and confusion over issues, there are still many positive people out there keeping the town moving. New facilities, packed social evenings and sports aimed at enjoying our unique part of New Zealand are what we need to keep in mind, not the negative.
That way we can see all is not lost and together we can strive towards a bigger, better community. So our front page is in respect to those who keep positive and contribute time and/or money to making Picton a fantastic place to live!
See www.facebook.com/picton.newzealand to have your say.
Other Stories in This Issue
- Captains Table
- News: Scallop Season, St John to Start Youth Division, Lions News, Good Luck To, Congratulations To.
- Spot the Knot
- Seaport Classifieds
- Saturday Speaker
- 2013 Council Elections Coming!
- Linkwater School Student Wins Young Leader Award
- QCC Europe Trip
- Tide Tables
- Kaipupu Point Changes Drivers
- Queen Charlotte College Wearable Designz Show
- Kathmandu Support for Momorangi Bay
- Plunket Piece
- Fresh Choice Win Free Power Competition
- Seen on the Scene: Port Marlborough Pavilion Opening, The Waratahs at Le Cafe, The Scene Turns One, Farewell to Alastair & Liz Hawthorne
- Seaport Happenings
- Seaport Sessions
- Reflections from Picton Museum: 100 Years of the Plunket Society in Picton
- Library Lines
- Backstage Blurb
- Colin's Column: Common Sense, Trust & Working Together Will Solve Fishery Debate
- Cannelloni Filled with Spinach, Ricotta & Pumpkin in a Tomato Sauce
- Travel Chat with
- Juanita Smart
- BNZ Closed for Good Submissions Wanted
- Picton Wine Club’s Midwinter Dinner
- Waitohi Sponsors Day
- Waka Ama Back in Town
- National Bridge Tournament
- Scoop’s Sports with Sam Swain
- Toko’s Talk from the Court
- Roving Rowing Reporter
- Water Polo
- Skinner Joins Northland Taniwhas
Get your copy of the Seaport Scene at one of the following outlets:
Picton: The Seaport Scene Office, FreshChoice, Take Note, Healthcare Pharmacy, Picton Library, On The Spot, Challenge Service Station, Picton Four Square, Le Cafe.
Blenheim: Perry's Book Shop
Blenheim: Perry's Book Shop
Don't forget:
Submit your poems or stories for the Writers Corner