EPA Draft Approves More Farms for King Salmon
The draft approves the plan change and resource consent application for four farms and declines the other five.
The result has bought feelings of disappointment to those both for and against the application, which was hotly contested during the hearing, from 27 August to 18 October this year.
CEO of NZKS Grant Rosewarne says, “All could have benefited so much more had we been granted additional space.”
Mr Rosewarne says the company believes commerce and conservation can live together and that the Sounds can easily support what the company had planned.
He continues, “But too often in New Zealand commerce is pitted against conservation in an adversarial way that prevents regions achieving benefits from their natural advantages. As a nation we must find a way to view development as not being contrary to environmental objectives.”
Read the full story in Issue 324
Other Stories in This Issue
- Miss Claus's Table
- Clifford Bay Public Meetings
- Picton Business Group Meeting on Clifford Bay
- Animal Control Chairman laments number of dogs being destroyed
- Spot the knot
- Competition Time!
- Cruise Ship Schedule
- More Good News Offshore
- New Marlborough Experience Launched
- Tide Tables
- Marlborough's Summer Explorer Programme
- Join Relay for Life!
- New Chairman for Sounds Restoration
- New Line Up For Destination Marlborough Trust Board
- Kaipupu News
- Boat Santa Continues
- Bugler Family Wins Hamper
- Seaport Happenings
- Seen on the Scene
- Reflections from Picton Museum: Cullensville
- Library Lines
- On The Beat with Constable Newcombe
- Picton Woman Awarded for Assistance During Christchurch Quakes
- Books for History Lovers
- Writers’ Corner - School Project: A Narrative "I heard a whisper, but no-one was there."
- Top NZ Artists Team up to Aid National Whale Centre
- Vegan Cooking - Some Favourite Recipes
- QCC Celebrates Achievement
- Picton School Awards
- Waikawa Bay School Picnic
- Model Railway Donated
- Travel Chat
- Picton's Community Radio Station, Trax FM 107.1
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Picton: The Seaport Scene Office, FreshChoice, Take Note, Healthcare Pharmacy, Picton Library, On The Spot, Challenge Service Station, Picton Four SquareBlenheim: Perry's Book Shop
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