Other Stories in This Issue
- Captains Table
- News:
Process for Appointing New CEO;
MDC Building Control Innovation Recognised as Best in New Zealand; Progress on Blenheim and Picton CBD-Library Projects; Watering Restrictions Coming to an End
- Spot the Knot
- Seaport classifieds
- Saturday Speaker
- We Remember the A.S. Echo
- ANZAC 2015: 100 Years
- Big Summer for DOC’s Firefighters
- Neil Oliver Films Edwin Fox
- Dance for the Body and Mind
- Cruise Ship Schedule
- Tide Tables
- Seaport Happenings
- Seaport Sessions
- Seen on the Scene:
Le Café Gigs; Picton Quilters Group Exhibition a Huge Success; Picton Fire Station Open Day/Recruitment Day; Big show coming soon to Picton and all
are new acts to Picton
- Reflections from Picton Museum:
- Library Lines -
Freedom Camping By-Law: Tell Us What You Think
New Clinic Cares for Clients
Picton Smart & Connected – Latest News
MINIs Visit Picton for KidsCan
Sailability Hawkes Bay Cross the Strait
- Scoop Sports
- The Mainsheet -
Where Are They Now? Sarah Hayden: Air Force
Get your copy of the Seaport Scene at one of the following outlets:
Picton: The Seaport Scene Office, Picton Fresh Choice, Healthcare Pharmacy, Take Note, Picton Library, On The Spot, Picton Four Square, Le Café, The Irish Bar and Pizzeria